

 2. 请留意球场内人身安全,在前一组球手尚未离开安全区前,禁止打球.
 3. 请勿在发球台以外的区域吸烟.
 5. 如遇闪电打雷,请立即停止打球,到安全地点暂避.
 6. 球道距离以码计算,量度到果岭的中心为准.
 7. 为他人设想,请避免过慢打球!


(1) In the interest of all, players should play 18 holes not more than 4 hours 15 minutes without undue delay.
(2) Please pay attention to the safety of others. Players should not play until the players in front are out of range.
(3) Smoking is forbidden beyond the area of tee.
(4) Please don’t use mobile during playing to avoid disturbing other persons.
(5) In case of? lighting, please stop play and take shelter immediately.
(6) Distance to the center of the green is in yards.
(7) Lease avoid slow play to others.